Bankrupt on Selling
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:02 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Lonesome Crowded West
Song Author
Isaac Brock
File Size
39 KB
Well, all the a-pos-tles, they're sit-tin' in swings and I'd sell off my sav-iour for a set of new rings and some san-dals, with a sty-le of straps to cling best to the e-ra. So, all of the bui-sines-ners in un-lim-i-ted hell, where they buy and they sell and they sell all their trash to each o-ther. But they're sick of it, oh and they're bank-rupt on sel-lin'. And, all of the an-gels they'd sell off your soul for a set of new wings, and a-ny-thing gold. They re-mem-ber, the peo-ple, they loved, their old friends. And I'll see through 'em, I'll see through 'em, I'll see through most e-very-thing. All the peo-ple, you knew were the ac-tors. All the peo-ple you kn-ew were the ac-tors. Well, I'll go to col-lege and I'll learn some big words and I'll talk re-al loud, god damn right, I'll be heard. You'll re-mem-ber, that guy, who said all those big words he mus-ta' learned in col-lege. And it took a long time 'till I came clean with my-self; I fell clean out of love with my lo-ver. I still love her, loved her more when she used to be so-ber and I was kin-der.